Sydney Water
Major & Minor Works

Sydney Water Accredited

Sydney Water Accredited

KHP Civil is Accredited for Major and Minor works with Sydney Water as follows:

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MS Minor Works

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RW Recycled Water DN 65-375

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S1 Sewerage Reticulation DN 150-300

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W1 Water Reticulation DN 100-375

With a thorough knowledge of Sydney Water requirements and our high quality standards, KHP Civil will deliver a safe, cost-effective project. And we work with you to understand and meet overall project deadlines.

Major & Minor Works

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Water & Sewer Infrastructure

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Wastewater Pipe Deviations

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Manholes Construction

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Watermain Amplification & Relocation

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Large Water Services - Hydrants & Valves

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Sewer Encasements

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Water Drillings and Junction Cut-ins

Major Minor Works

How can KHP Civil help you?

KHP Civil construction department specialises in constructing Sydney Waters wastewater, potable water, stormwater, drainage and recycled water infrastructure. We also assist with civil construction projects. Our several construction crews are all led by experienced foremen and composed of certified operators, pipe layers and labourers.

ms minor works
rw recycled wate
s1 sewerage reticulation
w1 water reticulation